
Revisionist Film History

Revisionist Film History is an ongoing series of 35mm photo essays. Each essay explores a different film trope, capturing imagery made to look like film stills pulled from long-lost “movies” that never actually existed. When viewed collectively, the images give the impression of a story/plot that the film follows. 

These “movies” are variations on film tropes that would have been ahead of their time in regards to representation had they in fact been made, showing people in roles that were nonexistent in reality.  

The goal with this project is to show audiences how interesting the history of film tropes could have been had we casted more than one type of person in any given role. Why have we always gotten John Wayne and Clint Eastwood when up to 30% of cowboys were black?

Ultimately, Revisionist Film History imagines what the stories and art of 20th-century America cinema would have looked like if they had been more inclusive.

This project will continue to develop as I expand on the concepts below as well as tackle additional genres.


A seasoned human space commander and a mysterious alien play a game of cat and mouse on a desolate alien planet.


Taking place in the luxurious and modern Palm Springs of 1970, Magnesia Falls is an all-femme queer heist story full of colorful psychedelic costumes and midcentury backdrops.



The initial photo test for more to come, these shots are part of a larger western that will encompass many characters across the western Texas landscape.